Esti Chem & Sustainability

We are taking steps to secure the long-term sustainability for our business.

Want to improve the eco-tox properties?


Your solvent cleaning product is applied in an open environment, and you want to improve the eco-tox properties of your material.

Esti Chem solution:

Our ESTISOL solvents are readily biodegradable, powerful solvents, which can replace hydrocarbon solvents including aromatics

Feedback from customers:

We got rid of hydrocarbon oils and solvents from our road construction operations.

We replaced aromatic solvents by ESTISOLs in our off-shore operations. 



Enviroment Protection


ESTISOLs generally have a high content of bio-carbon in the range of >50%.


ESTISOLs are often replacing hydrocarbon fluids such as solvent and lubricant base fluids.

ESTISOLs are readily biodegradable and show low environmental toxicity with LD50 values >10 mg/l


This is huge benefit in case of spills during use.

ESTISOLs have generally no H and P sentences and no GHS label.


The risk profile of ESTISOL-based products is normally very low