Why compliance?
The risks of becoming a target of unlawful behavior when initiating or performing business transactions and providing services are increasing. Despite stricter penalties, corruption and money laundering remain a constant threat for companies acting in good faith to becoming involved in the criminal activities of others.
The rapid development of national and international legal regulations affecting the business areas of ESTI CHEM A/S also requires constant monitoring, control of compliance and timely and appropriate responses to identified violations.
Through the implementation of appropriate measures for prevention, clarification, monitoring and, where necessary, penalties, unlawful and unethical behavior should be avoided to prevent any economic and reputational damages.

The compliance with legal regulations, guidelines, our principles and code of conduct towards all relevant stakeholders has the highest priority for ESTI CHEM A/S. Since our corporate success is based on integrity and rule conformity.
In order to comply with this requirement, it is important to detect, evaluate and, if necessary, prevent potential misconduct on the part of our own employees, partners or suppliers. All employees, business partners and third parties are hereby given the opportunity to report violations.
An independent and impartial external whistleblowing officer deals confidential with all reports in the whistleblowing system.
Further information on the whistleblowing process is available here: